2016年3月12日 星期六




2016年3月1日 星期二


諾麗果酵素(Noni)不是藥,但能保健康!來自熱帶島嶼的諾麗果,學名「Morin da Citrifolia」,是茜草科巴戟天屬的植物,被稱為「巴戟天屬的女王」,保健功 效多,應用廣泛,所以有這種美稱。在日本稱其為「八重山青木」,又稱其為「天賜之果」 。鳳梨酵素專家 Dr. Heinicke 研究指出諾麗含有賽洛寧原酵素,可轉化為賽洛寧,含量是鳳梨的800倍。美國總統健康 顧問─Neil Solomon博士研究發現,諾麗果含有人體不可或缺的150種以上珍貴成分,有豐富 維生素、礦物質、胺基酸、酵素及抗氧化物質,可調整體質、促進新陳代謝、幫助睡眠。


•胺基酸Amino acids:包括必須胺基酸(色胺酸、精胺酸、白胺酸、離胺酸、組胺酸、纈胺酸、笨丙胺酸、異白胺酸、羥丁胺酸、甲硫胺酸);非必須胺基酸(甘胺酸、丙胺酸、絲胺酸、冬胺酸、麥胺酸、脯胺酸、瓜胺酸、酪胺酸、胱胺酸、半胱胺酸、羥離胺酸、正白胺酸、羥膠胺酸)。

2016年2月29日 星期一

2014年8月21日 星期四

Super Junior 響應冰桶挑戰------------Super Junior Ice Bucket Challenge Response

Super Junior 響應冰桶挑戰

2014.08.22 03:57 am

近日全球響應ALS冰桶挑戰,除了製造名人話題也希望藉此提高病友能見度,Super Junior成員始源、銀赫、東海、希澈都參與挑戰,而SJ平時就熱中公益,早在4年前他們就相當關心此議題,時常去醫院探望病友。



【2014/08/22 聯合報】@ http://udn.com

Super Junior Ice Bucket Challenge Response

United Daily News reporter Mei Yan ╱ Lennon / roundup]
2014.08.22 03:57 am

Recently, the global response to the challenges ALS ice bucket, in addition to manufacturing also want to raise the topic of celebrity sufferers visibility, Super Junior members Siwon, Eunhyuk, East China Sea, Heechul are involved in the challenge, while SJ peacetime keen public interest, as early as four years ago they quite concerned about this issue, often go to the hospital to visit patients.

Siwon challenge after pouring ice bucket, named three relay, one of the "Park wins Day" is getting cold, he was originally a basketball player, 12 years ago, the sick, the East China Sea, the origin to the hospital to visit him often over the years , also invited junior sister apprentice girlhood together, the relationship is quite good.

Park wins days after being named also upload a challenge movie, instead he used snowflake ice bucket, said: "You can use ice water bath comfortable, is very happy."

[2014/08/22 United Daily News] @ http://udn.com

小布希冰桶挑戰 點名柯林頓--------------------Bush named Clinton bucket challenge

小布希冰桶挑戰 點名柯林頓

2014.08.22 04:51 am





【2014/08/22 Upaper】@ http://udn.com/

[Upaper╱ AP]
2014.08.22 04:51 am

Former President George W. Bush yesterday to accept the "Ice Bucket Challenge", and named former President Bill Clinton to accept the challenge.

Bush sat on the balcony, said: "Tell me who posts under the war, I think the president was poured into ice water beneath the identity, so I decided to open a check (donation)."

His wife Laura took the bucket out suddenly from behind, pouring from his head down, Bush exclaimed, "wow," Laura said: "the check on me, because I do not want to let the hair-aliasing."

Bush named Clinton to accept the challenge: "Yesterday was Bill (Clinton) birthday, I gave him a gift is a bucket of ice water."

[2014/08/22 Upaper] @ http://udn.com/

2014年8月19日 星期二

佐科威以台為師 促增競爭力-----uoke Wei to Taiwan as a teacher to promote increased competitiveness

佐科威以台為師 促增競爭力

2014-08-19 中央社 中央社記者周永捷雅加達19日專電

Zuoke Wei to Taiwan as a teacher to promote increased competitiveness 
2014-08-19 CNA CNA reporter Zhou Yongjie Reuters in Jakarta on the 19th 
Indonesian President Zuoke Wei yesterday stressed the importance of quasi-human development on a seminar that Indonesia has several drawbacks to be improved. He cited Taiwan, Singapore and Japan, driven by high productivity of human development excellence. 

Indonesian news website detik.com reported Zuoke Wei (JokoWidodo) yesterday in Yogyakarta (Yogyakarta) to participate in a symposium to celebrate the founding of the Independent noted that human development is the most difficult task of the founding of Indonesia's independence has yet to be completed. 

He quoted a famous writer Mukhtar Indonesia ‧ Lubi Si (MochtarLubis) analysis, pointing out that a number of Indonesians must eradicate characteristics are hypocritical, do not want to be responsible for their own acts, feudal, superstitious and cowardly. 

He also quoted the Indonesian anthropologist 古加拉宁葛 lats (Kuntjaraningrat) for a description of the Indonesian human weakness, the first character is like neglect transaction quality. 

Zuoke Wei with his past in furniture exports for example pointed out that he did not attach importance to the quality of the Indonesian people have a sense of depth. 

He said that human development is now facing the biggest problem in Indonesia, as it relates to spiritual reform, improvement is difficult, but it must be clear to complete. 

It is worth noting that, 佐科威 mentioned in the forum in Taiwan, Singapore and Japan are the results from the highly productive human development. 

Zuoke Wei believes that Indonesia can still catch up with other countries, the pace of human development, which from kindergarten, junior high, high school education all the way to the start, after all this at stake in Indonesia's productivity and competitiveness.

螢火蟲劇團「水月」 療癒災民-------------Firefly Theatre "Moon Water" healing victims

螢火蟲劇團「水月」 療癒災民

【2014/08/20 聯合報】http://udn.com/

Firefly Theatre "Moon Water" healing victims 

United Daily News ╱ reporter Liang Yawen / Kaohsiung report] 
2014.08.20 04:27 am 

Firefly Theatre musical gifts of healing, "Moon Water," will debut later this month in Kaohsiung Wei Wu camp arts and cultural center. 
Reporter Liang Yawen / Photography 
Many Kaohsiung gas explosion victims, for the moment of panic left a lingering fear, Kaohsiung fireflies in the theater troupe, hoping to accompany Kaohsiung through the pain, release the musical "Moon Water" ticket to disaster victims, hoping to bring their healing force. 
"Moon Water" after a year of field interviews, Allen 48 years to restore the Republic Taiwan typhoon, hit home, causing thousands of deaths on the plight of the missing, the victims mood written song after song, creating a musical . 
"The play is very healing!" Involved in the recording of oral history elusive producer Huang Xiaojing said that after a few decades, the elderly or the haunting fear that year. The play of life to death will make people cry, but crying over the mind is washed, more courage to face a long road to reconstruction. 
Director of Hanjiang, said Taiwan's recent natural disasters continue, post-disaster reconstruction in addition to the face of their homes, more important is the spiritual reconstruction. People are faced with difficulties and setbacks of the most important is to have faith, and this is not necessarily a religious faith, his faith is late mother, whenever encountered problems, always think, "If this is how my mother would do." 
Hanjiang that elusive combination play in the noodle stand to see a kid hanging on the wall portrait of the Goddess of Mercy stepped wulongbei, when my mother told him that it was time 1987 flood, the Buddha to save the picture, he hopes to get back the hearts of the people of Taiwan in the value of simplicity's, take a look at faith in my mind. 
Hanjiang, said the combination of Fortune Institute of Technology Department of Communication Arts and Kaohsiung junior choir cooperation to ketzai tune with Western orchestral parts of speech, abandoning the traditional bel canto, so singing and acting simultaneously. Performance process, there will be water diffuse theater, the audience feet of water flows, so that the audience empathy. 
Firefly Theatre, said people also making Kaohsiung gas explosion affected households, and therefore decided to release theater tickets, invite Lingya District and the former township of Kaohsiung citizens, with no identity documents collar votes, a total release of 300 votes, and now there 50, can be electrically contact firefly Theatre (07) 387-0884. 
[2014/08/20 United Daily News] @ http://udn.com/ 